Great Comberton Circular Walk (6.5M)
Description: A fantastic walk in a truly glorious area of Worcestershire. The first part of the walk is through quiet pastures with far and distant views over superb landscape that takes in the dark outlines of the Malverns. The efforts of ascending Bredon Hill are more than compensated by the fabulous views and the sheer ecstasy of being in such marvellous surrounds.
Walk length: 10.4 kilometres (6.5 miles)
Duration: approx 4 hours
Height gain: 255 metres
Difficulty level: Easy
This walk starts and ends at The Queen Elizabeth Inn
(based on a walk – ID: 2635)
Please respect, protect and enjoy the countryside. Take nothing but pictures; leave nothing but footprints. Follow The Countryside Code.
No responsibility is taken for the accuracy of these directions or any other information related to this walk. Remember that you are responsible for being adequately prepared, and for conducting your walk in a safe manner.
Map showing suggested route

Route details
8. Walk across the square and up the road to the left alongside the Queen Elizabeth pub, passing beautiful old black and white houses. Turn right on narrow secluded path beside farm, and take a stile to turn left by farm buildings to walk beside hedge where there is pronounced ridge and furrow meadowland. Walk on in pastures on a gradual incline, woodland at the top of a slope.
9. Turn right over a stile and head over to another, then turn left beside hedge, taking a stile to continue above meadow, a large and grand hall over to the right. Take another stile and footbridge to go on, the tower of Great Comberton now in view. Two more footbridges and a stile cross two streams close together before the route continues beside fencing and hedges. Climb stile to turn right on bridleway for few yards.
10. Turn left off it and walk above field, following it round to a gap. Turn left beside hedge to find a stile on left to continue on the edge of four more fields, zig-zagging to walk on other side of hedge, looking towards Bredon Hill. Maintain direction, eventually reaching a stile out onto narrow road in Great Comberton.
11. Turn right towards church and walk along into Church Street.
1. From Church Street in the village centre, walk into Russell Street and pass Tibbetts Farm with its splendid long timbered barn. Walk on along the bridleway, quiet and secluded, with glimpses of Bredon hill through gaps in the hedges and trees, then opening out to give clear views. Continue through gap to walk with hedge on right, the tower of Little Comberton Church over on the left. Leave hedge in next field to maintain direction on a gradual ascent, then go downhill and pass a footbridge before walking on enclosed track again.
2. Turn right on another bridleway on a steady incline, entering woodland of Cames Coombe. The ascent steepens on the way up the slopes of Bredon Hill, the forestation getting thicker; a silent, eerie environment but for the occasional cry of a wood pigeon or the sudden song of a bird. Come out into a clearing,
Far Wood and Comberton Wood on the right, and continue in the same direction to a gate.
3. Go on uphill to walk beside Doctor’s Wood, then away from it on uneven ground, to a gate. Walk on, now above wonderful landscape, and follow well defined track to another gate.
4. Go on through it into Long Plantation amongst a green and lovely mantle of trees of varying hues.
5. Take gate out onto a left path above wood, walking on the level for a while, a radio mast can be seen on the right.
6. From a gate on the right, bear left into The Plantation to take a gate on a descent, the vegetation thick and dense. Follow the well trodden track, part of the Wychavon Way. Through a gate go on, downhill still, on a grass track, Castle Hill over to the left. Continue downhill towards Fiddlers Knapp, circling round to the right to cross a footbridge. Go on downhill and take the left of a fork to find a footbridge. Take the left path and pass an expanse of water.
7. Take gate to turn left, off the Wychavon Way then over a footbridge and stile to turn right in a meadow, heading for a stile in view at far end. Large and majestic trees are dotted all around. Turn left beside hedge on the edge of a field, and follow it round. Take a stile on left and walk over a small meadow to another. Climb stile onto woodland path to the sound of a waterfall flowing from a large pond, and walk on into the churchyard of St Mary the Virgin Church at Elmley Castle, and along to gateway out into the village square, where The Queen Elizabeth can be found on the left.
Enjoy the walk !!
The countryside code – rules for walkers
1. Be safe – plan ahead and follow any signs
- Check current maps to be sure you have access to the land you plan to walk on. The public footpaths will be signed. Follow these signs to be sure you are on the correct footpath.
- Check the weather and pack your backpack accordingly. Be prepared to cancel your plans or turn back if the weather is bad.
- Many places are remote and do not have cell phone coverage so let someone know where you are going and when you plan to return.
2. Leave gates and property as you find them
- Frequently you are walking through fields of sheep, horses, cows, or other livestock.
- Gates along the trials are kept closed to keep the livestock in their fields or left open so livestock can move between fields. Leave all gates as you find them. Take note when you open the gate of how it is latched (e.g. a rope may be looped over the gate in addition to the latch) and make sure to leave it as you found it. Our rule is that the person who opens the gate also closes it, because they know how it should be done.
- Use the gates and stiles provided. Do not climb over fences or walls (this can damage them).
- Keep to the paths through the fields, do not walk into the crops.
3. Protect plants and animals, and take your litter home
- Do not leave litter behind. Keep it and dispose of it when you are off the trails.
- Do not get too close to the animals. Sheep get distressed if you get too close to them. Walk around the animals.
- Do not attempt to help an animal in distress; alert the farmer.
- Don’t take any plants, trees or stones with you.
- Do not drop matches or cigarettes (don’t start a fire).
4. Keep dogs under close control
- There are specific rules for when and where you must leash your dogs.
- Clean up after your dog.
5. Consider other people
- Drive carefully on the narrow country roads. Some are wide enough for one car only and have pullouts every so often to allow two cars to pass. If you meet another car, one of you must backup to the nearest pullout.
- Be courteous to the people who live in the countryside where you are walking. Don’t block driveways or roadways with your car. Most walking books show you where to park for each walk.
- If you come across a farmer doing something with his/her animals, you may have to wait until he has finished until you can proceed.
- Slow down when driving by people riding horses.
- Support the countryside and buy local products.
6. Footpath Signs
- Most public footpaths are marked with round markers with arrows. You will find these at the start of the footpath and along the way.
- Yellow arrow: Footpath waymark.
- Blue arrow: Bridleway waymark (trail for horses or walkers).
- Red arrow: Byway waymark.
- Acorn symbol: National trails (e.g. Cotswolds Way).
- Icon of a person in a field: Open Access. You do not need to keep to the path, and you can walk where you like. Note that landowners are permitted to close Open Access areas from time to time for specific purposes.